
Showing posts from December, 2009

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge is of course a classic. On this day my sister and I walked across the bridge. I think she thought I was a little crazy for some of the photos I took, even laying on my back for some of them. Go, see, enjoy. And be a little crazy

Merced Wildlife Refuge on a stormy day!

The Merced Wildlife Refuge can be a pretty spectacular place even if the ducks and geese haven't arrived for the night. This was taken facing away from the impending sunset. Go, see, enjoy.

Fort Bragg Botanical Gardens

If you love flowers or even just want to take some spectacular photos of them then you need to visit the Botanical Gardens in Fort Bragg, California. Between Highway 1 and the Pacific Ocean there are acres and acres of beautiful flowers. If you ever get bored of the Gardens the area has lots of other attractions! Redwoods, Skunk Train, Glass Beach, and oh yeah a little thing called the Pacific Ocean.

Summer Snow, Mt. Shasta, California

This view of Mt. Shasta is from the Weed, California side of the mountain just off of Highway 97. The night before there was an unusual August storm that left a blanket of summer snow. Hope you enjoy!

Merced River, Yosemite Valley Winter 2009

  This is one of my favorite spots in Yosemite Valley, I like the mixture of trees, river and of course the majesty of the rock formations

Old Oak, Hite Cove

You get to Hite Cove by taking a trail up the South Merced River. It's off of Highway 140 on the road to Yosemite. It's a beautiful up and down hike with lots of wildflowers in the spring.

Mono Lake

Mono Lake is a beautiful place to visit. Don't wait to long though. They're raising the lake level and much of what you see here will be gone in a few years.