
Showing posts from March, 2011

Mum-Special Effects

I took this photo of a yellow mum in my front yard. It begin as a rather ho-hum photograph. Now I like it. I don't use the presets in Lightroom very often. But I was bored and decided to see what effect they would have on the mum. By the way the black specks are dirt that was thrown up by our recent rains. The presets gave me a variety from almost no change to, well the outlandish. I liked how this one came out. I think even the dark speckles add something.  Let me know what you think. Go, See, Enjoy. Dave


This was taken last week at the Merced Wildlife Refuge   We heard a lot of geese but didn't see any. They were all just off the Refuge and we couldn't find a way to get to them. So I decided to post this instead. Just like me a bachelor . Go, See Enjoy Dave

The Engine That Could

I believe this is from a B-24  Another photo from my trip to the Castle Air Museum. If you like planes, history or great photo opportunities go to the Castle Air Museum in Atwater California. Go, See, Enjoy Dave

Just Before Sunset

While waiting for the pending sunset I took this at low tide.   I like the texture of the foreground as much as the clouds and sky. Everything seems to draw your eye to the horizon and the promise of a great sunset. Go, See, Enjoy. Dave