
Showing posts from November, 2016

Yosemite and Fog

Last weekend Friedhelm and I went to Yosemite. The weather report said it might snow the day before then changed to rain. When we got there the fog had rolled in all around the peaks. El Capitan was very prominent. I converted several of my photos to black and white, color isn't very pronounced in fog. The face of El Capitan changed constantly during the day. Finally in the latter part of the day, the sun started to show through. It just added another dimension to the fog. This is a small peak next to El Capitan. I tried to find the name but guess I need to find a better and more detailed map. Just in case you thought El Capitan was the only feature effected. This tree poked it's tip out for just a few seconds before it was covered with fog. A couple of minutes later the whole rock face was visible. And yes there is still some color left in the Valley. This was taken at the Ahwahnee, oops I m...

Merced Wildlife Refuge in November

A while back I went to the Merced Wildlife Refuge hoping to catch a foggy morning, both on the way up and at the refuge/ Both days I went the fog was absent on the way up. I kept going  because in photography you never know what you're gonna get. Kinda like a box of chocolates. This was the sky facing west, just before dawn. Looks like a sunset doesn't it. Nope sunrise looking east with Sandhill Cranes getting ready for breakfast. A Great Egret looking for a meal. Sandhill Cranes just a little bit later in the morning.  The sky never really cleared and I took this one later in the morning on the way back home Go, See, Enjoy. Dave


Took a few minutes yesterday and today to photograph rosebuds in my back yard. Yesterday before the rain. Today during a break in the rain. Go, See, Enjoy! Dave