Mc Cloud River

A couple of weeks ago I went up to the McCloud River to do some fishing with my brother, family and friends. Due to a fishing reel mishap my line barely got wet. Sooooo I just happen to have my camera with me, what to do..... What to do? The river was and is running very high and fast, the most water I've seen this time of year that I can remember, which may not be all that long ago. Here's a couple of images of the river itself. The first is a longer exposure using a couple of neutral density filters. The second is what it really looks like. This is called Lower Falls. It seems much wider now than it used to. The winter river flow has definitely had an effect on the river and it's banks. As I grew up we considered Manzanita almost a weed because it would take over an area and stifle tree growth, I grew up in a lumber town. Now I'm actually thinking of adding some to the landscaping of my yard. Go figure. Thr...