Yosemite in Early December

Friedhelm and I went to Yosemite the other day. The weather was predicted to be in the teens in the morning and high twenties in the afternoon. We were lucky, it was cold but nowhere near those lows. Yosemite can be like most places a little drab, colorwise, in the winter months. So you look for color and contrast where you can find it. This is my favorite photos from this trip. It's a toadstool growing out of the side of a tree. This one is more interesting than artistic. At first glace is looked like some ice frozen to a small area of a tree. Closer look showed it was actually sap. We took about a 4 mile hike to Mirror Lake. Along the way there were a number of puddles with some interesting reflections. When you first look at this it's a little confusing. Remember it's a reflection. Here's a panorama of Mirror Lake. As we drove around after Mirror Lake we noticed that portions of the Val...