
I recently had to go to Seattle Washington on a business trip. It started out that I would work a couple of days and take a few off. Well work turned out to take a little longer. But that was Okay since it rained almost the whole time I was up there. I did take the time to go to the Museum of Flight in Seattle. The day was such that I could only shoot in the inside of the museum. That posed the problem of lots of busy things in your and your cameras sight-line. So closeups or looking up seemed the order of the day. I don't know if this is a distinction to be proud of but apparently the Italians were the first to use aircraft in combat during a war with Turkey. And the first to develop a fighter plane the Beriot. On one of my days off the weather report was cloudy but only a 5% chance of rain. I headed out to a Railroad Museum south of Seattle. Before it started to rain real hard I snapped a few shots, but not many. ...