Bud's Place? Planada

If you've ever driven from Merced to Yosemite you've passed this spot. I think it's called 'Bud's Place' or something like that. It's an old railroad station and has all kinds of old stuff laying around, mostly overtaken by weeds. I've driven by it tons of times and thought it might be an interesting place to shoot. Well finally the other day Friedhelm and I stopped and took a 'few' photos. We were lucky there were a couple of ladies there who had access and let us into the bar area. There was a very eclectic decor, mostly cowboy stuff, but every nook, cranny and wall was filled. This was sitting on the end of the bar. Across the room was this guitar Outside was lots of old farm equipment. I liked the blurred tines in the background contrasting with the single bar in the front. Here's a part of the same hay rake, I like the way it looked in sepia tone. I just like the cont...