Eastside Aspens

A good friend, Dorothy Nielsen, and I went over to the eastern side of the Sierras the other day. It was a great time and she showed me the area around Bishop. An area I had not explored before and was amazed at the color and amount of Aspens. I had a lot of trouble deciding which photos to post. Hope you agree with my decisions. Comments are always welcome. Okay so the first and second photos aren't of Aspens. My blog, my choice... I love the contrast in these two. As you head down the hill from Tioga Pass if you looked behind you this was just part of the view. You'll notice no locations are given. They're a secret, and it's not because I can't remember some of the names or that we visited a whole lot of locations. The weather was variable through much of the time we were there. In fact we weren't sure we wouldn't get rained out. Luckily one night it snowed at the higher elevation ...