Yosemite in Spring - Dogwoods

Went to Yosemite Valley a couple of weeks ago with some great people. I can actually say I haven't had that much fun in a very long time. Stories were told, s--t was given and laughing was heard. THE FOLLOWING IS USED WITHOUT PERMISSION. I don't care. There's a lot of water flowing right now, the dogwoods were in bloom and people were everywhere. The Merced River was a little angry with all the water flowing down it. As I said the Dogwoods were in full bloom. I took a lot of photos and had to restrain myself when deciding what to post. Here's a 'few' I decided on. Definitely one of my all time favorites. I've seen a lot of Dogwoods over the years. This particular tree really grabbed my attention. I don't remember seeing such a large display on a single tree before. I liked this one in black and white. Something about the single flower against the grey and black background. If yo...