Merced Wildlife Refuge

During the last month or so I went to the Merced Wildlife Refuge a couple of times. There wasn't a lot of new birds to photograph so you'll see a lot of old favorites. The ones that were there seemed to be pretty accommodating to this photographer. Usually when I photograph a White Faced Ibis they're at a distance and usually end up being overexposed. This one was right near the road and very accommodating. This is one of my favorite birds and subjects. It's hard to catch them with they're head up since they're prolific feeders. I believe these to be Snow Geese because of the longer neck than a Ross Goose. With the way they're flying do they lead your eyes right off the photo? Kestrels are small fast and typically skittish. This one just watched me very carefully. Killdeer are also a bird that likes to run away. It's a defense mechanism they use to lure predators away from their nest. This one was too busy eating near the road. These Nort...