Birds, Birds and More Birds

Spent some time at the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge and the Merced Wildlife Refuge and thought I'd share a few (okay a lot) of photos from those Refuges. I've kinda mixed the photos up, i.e. no rhyme or reason!!! Let's start off with two types of geese that are very common. The Snow and Ross geese. The two look very similar and can be difficult to tell apart. The Ross goose has a shorter neck and rounder head. They also interbreed and can come in different shades or morphs. Speaking of geese, the Iconic Canadian Goose Okay not a bird but I liked the look of the thistle against the water. I don't know why all these blackbirds chose this particular tree. There were other trees just like it nearby with very few birds on them!? There weren't may of these buffleheads and I had to try and catch this one through the reeds. I'm never good at identifying Hawks, but there were several lurking around, mostly in the distance. This one thankfully posed for me....