
A friend and I went over Tioga Pass, stopped at Saddleback Lake and then on to Bodie. Saddleback lake at 8,350 feet was still frozen over, the store closed and the water taxi not working. However I did find this wheel barrow and lots and lots of mosquitos. After the mosquitos drove us away it was on to Bodie. I found this old tricycle on a porch partially hidden by some vines. Of course an old mining town like Bodie has lots of old rusty equipment. I especially like the contrast of the sharp edged gear against the softness of the bush. I kept this one color because of the contrast of the grass and the black rollers. This one was a toss-up, black and white or color. I decided the color of the siding was as important and the structure. The Blue Flags were thankfully in bloom. They were all over. Found this bowl laying in the grass As I said the Flags were everywhere. Played with Photo Shop a little on this one The old saw mill is always interesting This Blue Flag is past...