Merced Wildlife Refuge
I went to the Refuge Christmas afternoon. As I was approaching I noticed a lot of Sandhill Cranes and some Snow and Ross Geese flying around. This is only a very small portion of the geese in this area. One difference between Ross and Snow geese is the length of their necks. They tend to flock together. There were a lot of Hawks around and while I saw a Kestral or two I couldn't get them to cooperate for a photograph. Very inconsiderate. I figured this must be a mating pair, perched so close together. I mentioned I saw some Sandhill Cranes flying around on my way in. The only one I saw in the Refuge itself was this one. Great Egrets are pretty common around here. But this one was pretty cooperative. This one was about as close as I've ever gotten to one without it flying off. This is what happens when someone or something spooks a whole lot of White and Ross Geese. The ones in the foreground were content staying where they were. Here's the kind of reflectio...