Merced Wildlife Refuge
I took a spontaneous trip to the
Merced Wildlife Refuge last Sunday evening.
It was a great decision. I really had trouble deciding what to post here. There were so
many photo opportunities.
Outside of the Refuge proper, on the other side of Sandy Mush Road is
a field. I've seen Ross Geese there before but not in this number.
The image is only a small portion of the geese that were feeding. As soon as
I stopped they started to walk away in a semi-circular pattern with me as the base.
The sky was continually changing this is one looking
west, just after I got there.
This one is looking east within minutes, maybe seconds of the
previous one.

I've seen flocks of Ross Geese, Canadian Geese, Sandhill Cranes and ducks.
I've never seen swams of Redwing Blackbirds like I saw that night.
The whole western sky was filled with them for quite a while. A real treat.
The next two images were taken about 4 minutes apart looking to the west. the first
more towards the south and the second more to the north. Don't they look like they
could almost fit together.
All in all a great trip.
Go, See Enjoy.
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