Merced Wildlife Refuge #2

This post I'm focusing on the birds I saw at the Refuge
last Saturday. There was a lot, and many different kinds. Here's
some of my photos, I shot over 500.

I've taken a lot of photos of the Great Egret, don't think I have
many of them landing. One of many at the Refuge.
This one needs a groomer. 

The sun didn't show itself until late in the morning. Here it is at
9:30, still mostly hidden by the fog and low cloud. It disappeared again
soon after is image.

I believe these are a mating pair of Northern Shoveler ducks.

Speaking of pairs, these two stayed fairly close to shore, and to me.
They swam back and forth in front of me. I think the fog helped calm the

I saw several species I don't recall seeing before.  I believe this
is an Eared Grebe, Californicus.

Here's another one that I don't recall seeing, but am told they're not uncommon.

I kept waiting for this Great Blue Heron to take off, so I could get
a photo of it in flight. It kept an eye on me all the time. But just
moved slowly away.

You only see a few geese here, but that's very misleading. Look in the background 
and you get a small idea of the birds that are at the Refuge right now.

This does a better job of showing the number of Snow Geese. However this is just
a small portion of what were there.

There are always a lot of American Coots. Mostly I ignore them, but I 
liked how they were all in a row (mostly) and the front one was
looking back as if to make sure they were following correctly.

And lastly, when I first saw these at a distance I thought they might be 
Canadian Geese. A closer look and my field guide said they are
Greater White Fronted Geese,Taiga. The white front has to do with the
white stripe on the bill.

If you get an opportunity be sure and head out to the Refuge or one near you.
You won't be disappointed.

Go, See, Enjoy.



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