Yosemite in January

The weather report said that it was going to snow in Yosemite Valley. So.... Friedhelm and I headed up that way. Well there wasn't any snow except on the peaks but there was fog and great photo opportunities. Except for a few of exceptions, in this post, I tried to stay away from the iconic photographs. Some photos I changed to Black and White some stayed color. First up is Bridal Veil Falls in B & W. I thought this highlighted the falls itself better. As usual anywhere you look in Yosemite you have a pretty good view. The fog and clouds just added to the beauty. Sometimes you look straight up. As I mentioned the snow was on the peaks and sometimes they just peeked through. Okay another bad 'Dave' pun. But the Clouds turned out spectacular for a short period later in the day You know that I had to feature at least one photograph that was all about the lines. This was taken o...