Fog and Geese
The fog around here has been pretty thick lately.
Some days we never see the sun. The other day I thought it would
be interesting to go to the Merced Wildlife Refuge and
see what that looked like.
On the way I stopped and took a few shots.
When I got to the Refuge it had an eerie feeling with the leafless trees and fog
There weren't very many birds in the flooded portion. No flocks were flying around
either. I guessed that the fog was keeping everything quiet.
Then I got to the area where it's pasture land. That's where the Ross and Snow
geese where having breakfast. They were very close to the road in some parts and
you could get pretty close without spooking them.
This rise was caused by a lady who drove past me a a pretty good rate of speed.
I was creeping along at about 5 mph and they seemed tolerant of me.
As you can see, pretty close.
Yup, even closer.
Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph
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