Old Sacramento

I had to go to Sacramento for my job (the semi part of semi-retired).

Since I was done early I decided to visit Old Sacramento.  But first a little story.
Since I had spilled some chemical down my pant leg and it looked ...um... unseemly, 
I went out and bought a pair of shorts and some socks, and was ready to go.

I'm a member of the California Railroad Museum and therefore got in free. It wasn't a disappointment from a railroad fan point of view. I was however disappointed from a
 photographers point of view. The museum was quite dark, no tripods allowed,
 and most of the exhibits were under glass.

I did get a couple of inside shots I liked. This is the water injector that put the water
in the boiler, a very mundane function but in yesteryear an opportunity to shine.

An this is one of the most famous color schemes. It's the Santa Fe's War Bonnet
colors.  A modified version is used today by the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad.
But there's nothing like the classic on a EMD F7 locomotive.

Outside on the museum ground and the depot area I got a few more 
shots I like.

I tried to find out where this exit sign came from, while all the docents also thought
it was pretty cool, no one could tell me a history.

Alongside the museum depot is moored the Delta King, a paddle wheel 
steam boat that used to ply the Sacramento River. I think it is a permanent
fixture now.

And now my favorite photo from the whole trip. Next to the Railroad Museum building is the
Sacramento History Museum. It is very much a tourist museum, very clean, very bright
lots of explanations and displays.

The one that caught my eye and as I said my favorite was...............

Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph



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