
Showing posts from February, 2019

Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley

Hope you like the new layout. Let me know in comments! I took a short vacation to Death Valley a few days back. As with most places, while I'd seen photos of the park, in person it was much more beautiful and interesting. If you're a Star Wars fan you might recognize some of the features. If not I hope I've  at least given you the desire to go for yourself. But go pretty soon. It gets just a little hot during the summer.  Here are some photos from the very first place I stopped. I came into the park just after a heavy rainfall, in fact I timed it just right as snow had closed some of the passes and in some areas the roads were still partly flooded. I was luck that it was a Thursday, not too many tourists, though the sand still showed footprints where the rain had not completely washed them away. The evening sun added some nice shadows and some color as well. A little closer view. Depending on the direction of the sun,...

Yosemite in February

Kinda on the spur of the moment a good friend and great photographer,  Dorothy Nielsen and I went to Yosemite this last Monday. Being winter I figured  even with the holiday the crowds wouldn't be to bad. Boy was I wrong. It was as bad  as a crowded summer day. I had forgotten that the Firefall at Horsetail Falls would be in play. No we didn't stick around for that. Driving, parking  and even rest-stops were very hard to navigate. And I hate crowds and so does Dorothy.  We did however stop where we could and so here are a 'few' of my photos. The line going into the park was pretty long but moved fairly well.  And of course everywhere  you looked was beautiful. These three were taken before we even got to the Valley Making trails in the snow can be very interesting!! Into the valley we go. One of the many icons of the park. Turned this one into Black and White, love the s...

Mission Carmel

Friedhelm and I went to Mission Carmel a while back. There were a lot of flowers in bloom and that's pretty much what I  focused on. Pardon the pun. I'm not sure what many of them are called. But there was a lot of beauty. They had just watered some of the areas. One of the architectural features that caught my eye was this apparent check mark made by the roof line and bell tower. I liked the many layers and busyness of this succulant.  A different Flower 1 I generally don't take a lot of photos of Calla Lilies. But these really caught my eye. Go See, Enjoy and Photograph Dave

Merced Wildlife Refuge

Last week I decided to take another trip to the  Merced Wildlife Refuge. There were reports that geese were prevalent. Oops, I didn't see a single one. So I made the best I could of 'non-goose' shots. The wind was mostly non-existent and anyone who has been to the refuge knows it has some interesting trees. Obviously black and white since I was looking at structure. Great Blue Herons are not unheard of in the refuge but you don't see many and usually they're hidden along the edge of the reeds. This one  decided that this open area worked just fine. The predominant duck species was the Northern Shoveler. Ducks  mate for life and you usually see them in pairs. This first shot is a Shoveler grooming near the bank, but protected  by bushes. Here's another pair just cruising looking for a dinner spot. This pair found just right spot for a evening dinner for two. American Coots are probably t...

Point Lobos

My first post of 2019 coming in February is pretty sad. I have several photo excursions to post, just have avoided the edit thing. Friedhelm and I went to the coast the last Thursday. Our first stop was Point Lobos State Reserve. We walked in from the highway, a nice less than a mile hike on a paved trail. Along the trail were a number of fungi. Is it a mushroom or toadstool? The names are apparently interchangeable and there is no clear scientific distinction. Commonly anything edible is considered a mushroom and poisonous a toadstool.  We were lucky that there weren't a lot of tourists, however as every photographer knows, THERE'S ALWAYS THAT ONE, who gets in the way. The day was a little overcast and gloomy but it's still a great place to photograph I thought the dead trees, brush and gloomy skies deserved black and white in this one. It's amazing how tenacious nature can get. These succulents we...