Merced Wildlife Refuge
Last week I decided to take another trip to the
Merced Wildlife Refuge. There were reports that geese were prevalent.
Oops, I didn't see a single one. So I made the best I could of
'non-goose' shots.
The wind was mostly non-existent and anyone who has been to
the refuge knows it has some interesting trees.
Obviously black and white since I was looking at structure.
Great Blue Herons are not unheard of in the refuge but you don't see
many and usually they're hidden along the edge of the reeds. This one
decided that this open area worked just fine.
The predominant duck species was the Northern Shoveler. Ducks
mate for life and you usually see them in pairs.
This first shot is a Shoveler grooming near the bank, but protected
by bushes.
Here's another pair just cruising looking for a dinner spot.
This pair found just right spot for a evening dinner for two.
American Coots are probably the most common water foul in the park. They
seem to be everywhere. While not particularly colorful this one provided me
with some great lines in it's wake.
It looked like the sunset was going to be a little disappointing so I took a walk
along the Kestrel Trail, not much there but I heard a owl and decided to try
an sneak up and ..... Well you know how that turned out. But as I headed back
to my car I decided the sunset wasn't so bad looking thru the trees.
Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph
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