My Yard

Hello, If anyone is still out there I apologize for the long delay.

I had back trouble for many months which limited my mobility. About two months
ago I finally had back surgery, however the doctor says that I need to limit my movements. I'm not allowed to bend, lean, or twist, nor lift no more than 10 lbs..

Anyway the little photography I've done is in my yard and one trip to the Merced Wildlife Refuge which I'll post later.

The following photos are from my yard as I've said, some where taken through windows, some with a macro lens. 

Just a couple of the different flowers that are presently blooming in my yard. With spring arriving
there should be a lot more color to come.

I've had these succulents for several years, never had them bloom. The flowers themselves are
about the size or a dime.

Went out this morning to chase the cats away from my bird feeders and happened to see
the first ladybugs of the season.

Speaking of birds here are a couple of frequent visitors.

Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph



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