I went to Yosemite the other day. It snowed a little before I got there and
then rained a little turning the snow to ice. I was hoping for some fog in the valley
and wasn't disappointed. It was kinda cold.
This is what greeted me when I first arrived at Tunnel View
Literally 10 minutes later the fog had changed.
Not wanting to miss too much of the fog in the Valley I left and headed down the hill
The fog in the Valley shifted from place to place.
This is an interesting shot. My polarizing filter cleared up the Merced River
reflection but not the fog or haze above it.
As the sun hit and warmed up the Swinging bridge it gave up it's moisture

Looking the other way I saw this.
Walking along the Merced River I notice this ferocious alligator
about to devour a helpless pinecone.
While I had hoped my depth of field was better I was still intrigued by the
juxtaposition of the old leaf with a new bud along the same branch.
The clouds came in and obscured much of the higher elevation. A walk to the base
of El Capitan produced a peek-a-boo shot.
On the way out of the park the skies cleared somewhat and this
granite outcropping asked me to photograph it. I don't know the name,
couldn't find it in my topo map. If anyone knows please leave a comment.
Go, See, Enjoy, Stay Safe and Photograph
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