Cat Haven
I had an appointment in Fresno yesterday and afterwards I decided to visit Cat Haven, a large cat sanctuary about 30minutes from Fresno.
Note to self, next time ask if there will be any large groups. The group before
me had two people, mine had over 30, a combination of kids and adults.
That said I really enjoyed the experience, next time I'll take better notes of
exactly what I'm seeing and what the names are.
For some reason they don't let you in the cages so you have to shoot through
the wire mesh. It can be challenging, and I hope you'll forgive my lack of
photoshop skills to clean up some of the mess.
First up is a Canadian Lynx.
Salsa is a Cheetah, the fastest land animal.
Her roommate is Jazz, they're just friends.
Jaguars have a square looking spot patterns. I didn't name these because they have a lot of
jaguars and I couldn't tell the difference from looking at their website
In this instance the wire gave my photo a vignette which I really liked
Samba is the only one of the Jaguars that I might have gotten right
Jane is a leopard. I was taking a photo of her feet and just as I snapped the shutter
she raised her head just a little
I think Elsa was trying to decide if I would taste better than the pumpkins
Lions sleep 16 to 20 hours a day, saving energy for the hunt.
Tigers are the largest cat. Besides size you can tell if a animal is categorized
as a large or small cat by the sound they make. Large cats roar, small cats meow.
Go, See, Enjoy, Stay Safe and Photograph
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