Flowers in my front yard

 Took a little photo walk around my front yard this evening.
Spring has really begun to spring.

Some flowers I don't know the name of and some I guessed. But I don't
think the real important part is the name. 

Hope you enjoy.

If you look closely you can see the only bee I saw. With all these beautiful blooms
this bee liked the Rosemary the best.

I believe this to be an Iris, it is certainly one of my favorites, today anyway

Not sure what these are. They're volunteers along the fence though I don't see any
on my neighbors side!!??

These seem almost unworldly iridescent.  But they really do have that quality/

These are similar to the red ones. Still don't know their name.

Simple blue Daisy

Blue Columbine, just planted these, wish me luck.

Another one I just planted. Mini Carnations

While California Poppies are beautiful they produce a lot of seeds and I
spend a lot of time trying to keep them under control.

Go, See, Enjoy, Stay Safe and Photograph



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