Merced Wildlife Refuge

 They've started to flood the Refuge and the birds are beginning to arrive.
Not the greatest time for water reflections since most of the shore birds are
feeding amongst the marshy stubble.

The sun was low in the west and highlighted these Cattails

This was taken while the Dragonfly was hovering in flight

Closeup of the Great Egrets Eye, he was very aware of my presence. 

Another Great Egret in flight, I usually blur these, not on purpose.

The Refuge is know for it's migratory Sandhill Cranes and they're beginning to show up.
The one in the middle is displaying for a female.

The White Faced Curlews were pretty busy eating and not paying too
much attention to me. There were a lot of them.

Some White Fronted Geese escaping from that threatening photographer.

The Yellow Legs are a member of the Sandpiper/Phalaropes Family
Appley named. 

Just liked the colors and reflection of these reeds at sunset.

Go, See, Enjoy, Stay Safe and Photograph



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