Trip to the MtShasta Area
Recently took a trip to the area around Mt. Shasta and thought
I'd share a few images.
I got to Castle Craigs State Park a little later in the afternoon so I didn't have
time to take the strenuous hike into the Craigs themselves ; }, but
busied myself with a couple of shorter hikes.
This guy was pretty patient, If it hadn't flitted around in front of me
I probably wouldn't have seen it. Note it's size compared to pine needles.
Running through the Park is Flume Creek, never really thought about the name,
even though I lived in the area for years, until I saw this.
One of the prettiest hikes I took was along Cabin Creek, south of McCloud.
I, of course, had to hike the McCloud River Trail.
My brother and I went on a road trip that took us around the back
side of Mt.Shasta on Military Pass Road. Along the way
I took a few photos in Shasta Valley.
This is a view that not too many people will see, the road is pretty rugged
but my brother and his truck navigated it well.
Last and probably least, a selfie in the McCloud Heritage Museum.
Go, See, Enjoy, Stay Safe and Photograph
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