Angels Camp Museum

 Last week I took a trip to the Angels Camp Museum. Angels Camp
is known for the 'Jumping Frog Jubilee'. I avoided that and focused on
the gold mining and pioneer days.
Even though I spent a lot of time there, need to go back again.

There were lots of things with gears. A favorite of mine.

Kinda looks like monster teeth but is actually a drill bit for hard rock mining.

Who can resist a old set of boots. Photographically anyway.

Well worn grinding stone.

I took this photo in an area that is not generally open to the public, yet. It was slow
so the docent let me in and gave a great presentation of the various articles.

Yup, more gears

One of many lamps.

There were several spittoons.

This one is actually from the San Andreas Courthouse Museum. I got there
just before closing. Another place I'll have to revisit.

Also one of my favorite images.

Go, See, Enjoy, Stay Safe and Photograph



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