
Showing posts from April, 2017


Well I finally made it to Yosemite. Friedhelm and I decided to take a quick trip last Wed thinking during the middle of the week there wouldn't be much of a crowd. Oops, spring break! The amount of water in the Merced River and the various falls is amazing. There are falls just about everywhere you look. Fern Spring is always a popular photo spot. I went on the other side of the road and got this shot. I guess this could be called 'moss cascade', I chose  Lower Fern Spring instead. This is actually a small portion of  area. While Big Oak Flat Road is closed to thru traffic, they do allow you to drive up a few miles. That allowed me to clime down under the Tamarack Creek  Bridge and get a few shots. Off to the left of the Lower Cascades, is a smaller one. Less visited  but quite beautiful. Even the smaller falls have a beauty, especially against the roughness of the granite. ...

Foothill Wildflowers

I've been pretty lazy lately when it comes to editing photos. I have more from my trip to McCloud but in the meantime I'm posting some from a recent outing to the Central California Foothills near Sonora. This gave me a good opportunity to use my new Tokina 100mm Macro lens.  The wildflowers this year were somewhat disappointing, too much rain I guess. I thought it would be just the opposite The first up is of course a California Golden Poppy. All the photos I'm posting today are with the macro, except one. This flower surprised me. I don't think I have ever seen it before. I was luck with my flower guide because I opened it randomly to the right page. These I couldn't find in my guide. And last but not least. When I first saw this insect I thought it was a tiny bee. But looking closer I think it is actually a tiny wasp.  Go, See, Enjoy, Photograph Dave