
Showing posts from July, 2017

High Sierra

I recently went over to the other side of the Sierras via   Yosemite and Tioga Pass. My destination ended up being Bodie (surprise) and Mono Lake. On the way I took these (and a lot more). Photos of Bodie and Mono Lake to come The sky was great on my way over. Mostly deep blue and lots of puffy clouds.The rivers and creeks were running high and there was snow on the mountains. I stopped at Olmstead Point but instead of following the paths I crossed the road and climbed up the rock face and got this image of the High Sierra and in the middle Tenya Lake. Along the way I stopped several times to photograph, mostly the landscape. I was surprised at one stop to spot this flower. I believe it to be a  Sego Lilly though my flower book says that this is a little west of it's usual range.  Just added an app to my phone. This is really a Smoky Mariposa. Taken a bunch of miles from the town of Mariposa, Ca. I...


A few weeks back a friend and I went to to small town of  Hornitios CA. While we were there I remarked that I hoped that no wildfires would start in the area because there wast a lot of dry grass. If you've followed the news about the Detwiler fire you know it came very close to this great old gold rush town. Here are a few images from that trip. I liked how the sky mimicked the texture of the  hillside. There were wild turkeys all over the place. This one was showing off to his girlfriend but stayed in the tall grass and didn't care if I got a clear shot or not I just wonder what building this set of doors led to and what happened to it. If you've followed me at all you know I like mechanical things (not so much people) and images with lines. Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph Dave

Bunch of Photos

Here are some photos from various shoots I've done over the last month of so.  The first two are from UC Merced. Taken at night during Spring break, Almost no-one on campus. These were taken in Hornitos, a small former mining community in the foothills. These last two were taken when I went up to Mt. Shasta to give my brother a hand.  I'm not sure the name of this butterfly. It looks like a monarch to  me, but monarchs aren't black and white from all the info I could find. This is either from an old logging camp or possibly a sheep herders camp. Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph Dave


A while ago I went to my nieces beautiful wedding in  Placerville, CA., congratulations Danielle and Brian.  The day after the wedding I headed over to Coloma, the site of gold discovery in California. Unfortunately I got there during mid-day, a poor time to photograph outdoors under the harsh sunlight. However there was this blacksmith shop...... These were to guys who made everything from a gear to soup spoon. True craftsmen and are now a dying breed.. The only 'outside' photo I liked. Just like today's garage, spare parts were available. The tools of the trade tend to be massive, and made by the same men who would use them. I loved the tones in this photo, and of course the lines. Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph. Dave