High Sierra

I recently went over to the other side of the Sierras via 
 Yosemite and Tioga Pass. My destination ended up being
Bodie (surprise) and Mono Lake.

On the way I took these (and a lot more).

Photos of Bodie and Mono Lake to come

The sky was great on my way over. Mostly deep blue and lots of puffy
clouds.The rivers and creeks were running high and there
was snow on the mountains.

I stopped at Olmstead Point but instead of following the paths
I crossed the road and climbed up the rock face and got this
image of the High Sierra and in the middle Tenya Lake.

Along the way I stopped several times to photograph, mostly the landscape.
I was surprised at one stop to spot this flower. I believe it to be a  Sego Lilly though
my flower book says that this is a little west of it's usual range. 

Just added an app to my phone. This is really a
Smoky Mariposa. Taken a bunch of miles from
the town of Mariposa, Ca.

It was nice to see snow on the peaks. My past experience in July is
that the snows all gone.

The thunder clouds were great to photograph. You'll see more when I 
get around to editing and posting my Bodie images.

While adding to the photos they also shortened my day by doing
what thunder clouds are supposed to do.

Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph


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