
Showing posts from February, 2018

UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens

After the Tilden Botanical Gardens Friedhelm and I went to the  UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens. While the Tilden Gardens featured plants from California, UC Berkeley had plants from around the world. This is a Banksia Oblongifolia from New Zealand, There were a lot of odd shapes and sizes.  While a large majority of plants were labeled, sometimes it was hard to tell what label belonged to what plant or if there was a label at all. I tried using  an app on my phone but I guess in doesn't include a complete list of  flowers from New Guinea and Korea, et al. The internet was a little help if I had some idea of where to start. Here's one I really liked but didn't get the name of. As I said some interesting structures. This one is from New South Wales, Australia Most did not have a 'Familiar or Common' name.  this one did. This beautiful Fushia is from Equador. All the photos were taken with ei...

Tilden Park Botanical Gardens

The other day Friedhelm and I went to Berkeley Ca. to visit a couple of botanical gardens. The first was located in Tilden Park.  The park's focus is on California based plants, many of them rare,  and located in a very small range.   I shot all of these with my wonderful Tokina  100mm macro. There were a lot of different types of Manzanita. Unfortunately I didn't  get the name of this variety. I grew up in a lumber community and manzanita was considered a scourge. You know I like photos of  the sun shining through the leaves of a tree. In this case a rare Santa Cruz Ironwood. I was attracted to the shape of the leaves. Not your normal oak or birch. This is a Channel Island Tree Poppy, mostly seen on San Clemente, Santa Catalina,  Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Isles. And last but not least if a Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat. Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph Dave

Merced Wildlife Refuge

Friedhelm and I took a quick trip to the Merced Wildlife Refuge.  All the geese where at the very beginning of the refuge. The birds were fairly active with some coming and going. While the Ross Geese were prominent there were Canadian Geese mixed in. I find it interesting that the geese don't seem to care who they're mixed in with. No this is not a photo of a flock of birds, this is actually a swarm of  bugs. It was getting dark and I didn't have a fast enough setting to get a real sharp image but you get the picture.  BRING BUG SPRAY.  Especially in a month or so when the mosquito's are out. The Refuge is a great place for Sunsets. I usually take them from a few specific  spots. This time I took the nature trail and got this shot. I will admit the camera saw a little more color than I did. Mea Coppa. Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph Dave

Point Lobos and Asilomar

As you may or may not know I am semi-retired. My part-time job required that I make a 'quick trip' to South San Francisco the other day. On my way back home I decided to do something spontaneous, not my usual frame of mind.  I passed my usual Highway 152 exit and kept going. I headed for one of my favorite places to photograph. Point Lobos State Park. I love the North Coast for the great waves and interesting features. I'm not a beach person. Unfortunately the sea was a low tide and the waves were almost non-existent.  So I shot a lot of other stuff. Oh, and also had a great time. These two kept me company for quite a while. I'm sure both were looking for a meal. This one seemed happy to hunt for himself. I think it's a Great White Heron though I don't recall seeing such a pronounced Mullet on one. For those of you who are skeptical about the presence of Aliens, what else but a  Alien rocket ship could produce s...