Merced Wildlife Refuge

Friedhelm and I took a quick trip to the
Merced Wildlife Refuge. 

All the geese where at the very beginning of the refuge.

The birds were fairly active with some coming and going.

While the Ross Geese were prominent there were Canadian Geese mixed in.
I find it interesting that the geese don't seem to care who they're mixed in with.

No this is not a photo of a flock of birds, this is actually a swarm of 
bugs. It was getting dark and I didn't have a fast enough setting
to get a real sharp image but you get the picture.  BRING BUG SPRAY. 
Especially in a month or so when the mosquito's are out.

The Refuge is a great place for Sunsets. I usually take them from a few specific 
spots. This time I took the nature trail and got this shot. I will admit the camera
saw a little more color than I did. Mea Coppa.

Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph



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