UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens
After the Tilden Botanical Gardens Friedhelm and I went to the
UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens. While the Tilden Gardens featured plants
from California, UC Berkeley had plants from around the world.
This is a Banksia Oblongifolia from New Zealand, There were a lot
of odd shapes and sizes.
While a large majority of plants were labeled, sometimes it was hard to tell
what label belonged to what plant or if there was a label at all. I tried using
an app on my phone but I guess in doesn't include a complete list of
flowers from New Guinea and Korea, et al. The internet was a little
help if I had some idea of where to start.
Here's one I really liked but didn't get the name of.
As I said some interesting structures. This one is from
New South Wales, Australia
Most did not have a 'Familiar or Common' name. this one did.
This beautiful Fushia is from Equador. All the photos were
taken with either my Tokina 100mm macro or Sigma 28-105mm.
There were all kinds of Rhododendrons. I had trouble identifying this one
on the internet but think I got it right. The black tips and inner base were the
key to my guess.
This is actually on of my favorites. It was in a tree on the side of a hill. You don't
know how tempted I was to climb that hill and get some better shots.
(They don't like you climbing where you're not supposed to.)
This is just a bud, the ones in full bloom where higher up.
This is another unknown, the closest I could come was some type of Poppy, or
maybe a Lily!?
And of course at least of photo that features lines. I like the little curly cue, middle right.
This is one spot where I plan to revisit and....
Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph
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