D.V. Devils Golf Course-Old Harmony Borax Works
One of the things Death Valley is known for is the 20 Mule Teams that
transported Borax out of the Valley. They actually only lasted a few years
and were replaced by a railroad. The cost being very high.
There are no current borax works in the Park but there are several active mining
claims. They're not being mined for two reasons, the cost and the
fact that they don't own the water rights. Except one, it's not being
worked but they do have water rights and the park anticipated that some time
in the future it may start up.
These first photos are from the Old Harmony Borax Works.
This is the stuff (borax) that the 20 mule team hauled. It was mostly
mined by Chinese laborers that lived in tents nearby.
Black and white to emphasize the contrast
I didn't take a lot of photos of 'things' and this shows part of the borax wagons. I
didn't like the fence around the exhibit so I shot above it.
I thought sepia tone was appropriate.
A closer look at part of the wagons
Another spot I visited was the Devils Golf Course. On the way there
I spotted this lonely rock. The largest one in a very large area, I wondered
how it got there since there weren't any hills or rock formations around.
The Devil's Golf Course was a very large expanse covered in clumps of
salt left there by flood and drought cycles.
A closer look reveals very delicate, well the tips at least, spires of salt.
Go, See, Enjoy and Photograph
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